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Timma Pro - Set-up Guide

Here you will find the most essential basic information that you’ll need in order to get started with Timma Pro in the best way possible.

Written by Saga Ögren
Updated over 2 years ago

Welcome to Timma

Thank you for choosing Timma! We are so happy to have your salon in our Timma Pro team!

In this guide, you will find the most essential basic information that you’ll need in order to get started in the best way possible, and the best thing of all – it will make both your’s and your customer's everyday interaction so much easier!

Get started with Timma Pro

Log in

First things first, click on the link above to log in to your account.

  • If you already have an account, fill in the username and password you chose when you created your account.

  • If you have not yet created an account, fill in a username (your email address) and a password of your choosing at the link below.

Please remember to choose a password that is not too easy to crack. If you want to change your password, do it via this link:

Are there multiple users in the salon using Timma? Start by logging in to the salon’s account, then read this article: New users in Timma onboarding

Download the Timma Pro app

Many of your daily tasks can easily be handled through the Timma Pro app, so it comes in handy to have it on your phone.

📱 Download the Timma Pro app on App Store Timma Pro for Iphone or Google Play Timma Pro for Android.

Now you’ll be able to access Timma Pro wherever and whenever; on the bus, at home, or on your vacation (although we’re all about taking some time off once in a while). You can always access Timma Pro from your desktop from whichever browser you prefer!

Import products and client list

The next thing you need to do is to make sure that your client list and product list get imported into your account. Send an email to with your client list and product list in excel or CSV. format. We’ll take care of the import for you!

Also, remember to add information regarding your GDPR. Find that here:

Add your company information

Make sure that the information that you add here is as detailed and engaging as possible.

This, together with the pictures that you’ll add in the next step will be the foundation of your online booking page and your salon’s page on the Marketplace

Make your salon stand out!

The information and pictures that you add under this tab are the information that will be visible to your customers. Think of the content here as the display window of your salon. It is here you can catch the attention of the customer and show your professionalism.

We have all heard the expression “one image says more than a thousand words”, so make sure to add the nicest logo and pictures that you have.

Once you have added your address information your salon will be visible on the Timmas Marketplace. Timmas Marketplace is the best tool in your toolbox to find new customers. Here you can make your salon visible to people in your area that are looking for your treatments, and in return, you can increase your sales and customer base. Read more here!)

Add your services

Add the services and prices that you offer under this tab. You can either choose the predefined treatments if you are offering any of these, or create new ones if the predefined aren’t suitable.

If you need some guidance, read this article: Add your treatments

PS: The same advice rules here as for the information on the company page. The more detailed information, the better. Explain to your customers as vividly as possible what they can expect from the service when leaving your salon. And help your customers to book the correct service.

Also, remember to add the current prices that you have for all your services.

Profile and worktimes

Add your worktimes under this tab. The work times will also set the time frame for when customers can book your treatments.

If you need some guidance, read this article: Add your worktimes

Add previously booked treatments

Lastly, add the services that have been booked before you started your Timma PRO account. From now on, Timma PRO will handle all future bookings for you.

Add link to the online booking

Here you can find the link to your online booking:

We will gladly help you with this, contact us and we’ll sort it out for you!

Add the link to your website, and all of your social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. This enables your current and new customers to book a time at your salon easily, from wherever they are!

If you have a Facebook account, we also recommend that you activate the button “Book Now”. Then it will be visible directly on your page.

Here’s an article that helps you get started with your online booking: Onlinebokning

I need help!

Please let us know if you need any help with any of the things above. We love to do this kind of stuff!

Our amazing Customer Happiness Team knows the ins and outs of Timma and will be able to help you with whatever you need.

You can reach them via email

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