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Offboarding Calendar

This article will tell you what to do when you stop, or pause using Timma if you are only using the calendar.

Mikael avatar
Written by Mikael
Updated over 3 years ago


  1. Introduction

The termination of the contract between you and Timma can be done at any time, and you do not have a termination period. There might be some things you need to take into consideration though when terminating the contract, or putting it on hold, and this article will guide you through all the necessary steps.

2. Notify Timma

For terminating your contract with Timma please notify us via email. Send your notice of termination to (Finland), (Sweden), or (Norway), and please specify which salon you’re referring to, your business ID, if you are a single user or multiple, and the date you’d like to have your contract terminated. We are always developing our product and services and would also appreciate hearing the reason behind your termination.

3. Invoices

Make sure that you don’t have any remaining unpaid invoices to Timma. You can see the status of all your invoices in Timma Pro.

Go to More > Timma Invoices

You can see status for your invoices in the status column. If there are any unpaid invoices, make sure to pay them.

To see the invoice in question, click the button to the right highlighted in the picture below. You can also download your Timma invoices via this button should you need them.

4. Closing online booking and hide salon from Marketplace

When you are closing your account, you might want to access your account for some time after you stop using the calendar. This is perfectly fine, however, make sure to close down your online booking so your customers won’t get confused.

Remove worktimes from calendar

Start with removing your worktimes from the schedule.

Go to Profile > Worktimes

Set a new schedule where all days are “closed”. Do this by clicking the date button to make it red. Remember to save your changes.

If you have enabled automatic worktimes, remember to disable it by removing the check in the box. Remember to save your changes.

Last step for removing your worktimes, set your “new schedule” consisting of closed days by choosing the start date for this schedule and set the end date.

You can also manually remove your worktimes by clicking on the day button to make it red.

Hide user from online booking and Marketplace

Next step is to hide Users from the online booking and marketplace. Do this after the last open date for your Online booking has passed. This way you / your salon won’t show up in any of the previous Online booking channels, and cause confusion with no available times.

Go to Profile > Information > Hide from Online booking > Save

Check the box Hide from Online booking and save your changes.

By saving, the User will automatically be hidden from online booking and the Marketplace.

Hide salon from Marketplace

To hide the salon from the Marketplace:

Go to Company > Marketplace settings

Make sure the box Show salon on the Marketplace is empty. Remember to save changes.

Your salon is now hidden from the Marketplace!

5. Data to export

The data you may want to download from Timma varies depending on your future plans. Generally if you are using the calendar, and plan on continuing in the future you’ll want to download your customer register, and move your future bookings. If you are using the cash register, please refer to the following offboarding cash register article.

a. Customer register

Your rights to the customer register depends on what role has been set for you on the Contracts page. Note! Only administrator level users have the right to change controllers of the customer register.

To set controllers of the customer register go to More > Contracts.

To download your customer register go to Customers > Customers > Select the CSV button highlighted below.

The file will be in .csv format, and may require you to have a program that supports it to open the file.

What the customer register will contain depends on your user level:

  • For Administrators the customer register will be the complete register.

  • For Users the customer register will only include customers marked as “Regular customers”.

  • For Limited users and below downloading the customer register is not available.

b. Bookings

Due to different architecture between different systems it is not technically possible to automatically move bookings between different accounts, or systems. Therefore this must be done manually.

c. Prepayments & Marketplace

If you are using the Marketplace, or selling gift cards online you will also need to save these reports for bookkeeping.

For reports go to Revenues > Accounting. First select the month for which you want the report from Monthly reports, and then Marketplace report. You can then choose whether you want to Open, download, or e-mail the report.

For a report on gift cards go to Revenues > Gift Cards

You can either select a report on gift cards from a certain period (month/year), or by default a report on all the giftcards. You can also choose to hide used gift cards.

You can open, download or e-mail the report in pdf format. It is also possible to directly print it in PDF, or download it in .csv format.

6. Sending a message to your customers

You may wish to notify your customers of the changes happening. To do this you have a few handy options in Timma Pro. The next section will go through how to send an email, SMS, or both to your customers.

You will find these options under More > Marketing

You can read more about creating the email messages, or SMS messages, and how to send them here.

Sending to your regular customers

To specifically send to customers that have booked a time with you, or to those you have marked as your regular customers you must create a Target group in Marketing.

For regular customers:

  • Name the group, so you can easily find it later

  • Select restrict to regulars

  • Select which Users regulars to select

  • In the example below we have also decided to include customers without marketing permissions, since this is notifying them of changes.

  • To finish select Create new, to create the target group.

If you wish to send to all customers, simply do not select restrict to regulars.

7. Timma Webpage

If you have a webpage via Timma, there are some things you have to consider before closing the account. If you don’t have a website via Timma, you can skip this section.

First, decide if you want to keep the web domain. The web domain is the name of the website

ex. the web domain for Timma is “”.

If you want to keep the web domain, please contact customer support with a description of the matter and ask for the domain transfer key.

If you don’t want to keep the domain, then the domain will be held on for the time remaining of the latest domain payment, which is one year at a time. When the domain payment runs out, the domain will be frozen for a few months (during which you can still renew it should you want to) after which the domain will be released, and can be purchased by anyone.

8. Salon sold or taken over

If the salon is sold and you have a contract that includes also the Timma account to be taken over by the new owner you should update some information for the account.

The new owners and admins should be created by the “old” admin of the salon. The old admin will be then deleted by the new owner, or by Timma’s customer service. The old admin should ask themselves to be removed from the customer support.

For the new owner of the company, they should check that the information in the Company page is correct and the billing information is up to date. The information for the contracts should also be updated on the More > Contracts.

The old reports will still be visible on Timma. In some cases it might be a good idea to register a new calendar for the company.

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