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Customer register statistics

An overview of the statistics function of the Customers page.

Mikael avatar
Written by Mikael
Updated over a week ago

The customer register page has a new function that allows you to see statistics regarding your customers. To access customer statistics simply go to the Customers page.

On the customers page you can now find two new buttons:

  1. Add or remove columns

  2. Adjust filters

  3. Download the customer register with the displayed columns as a .csv file (this file can be opened with most spreadsheet programs, such as Excel.)

Columns in customers

With the add or remove columns button you can select what information is visible about your customers on the Customers page.

By default Name, E-mail, Phone, Last visit and Next upcoming booking will be shown.

  • Name

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Total visits

  • Visits in 2021

  • Visits in 2022

  • Cancellations

  • Cancellations in 2021

  • Cancellations in 2022

  • Upcoming bookings

  • Sales

  • Sales in 2021

  • Sales in 2021

  • Product sales

  • Product sales in 2021

  • Product sales in 2022

  • Last visit

  • Next upcoming booking

  • Regular customer

Using the adjustable filters on the Customers page


There are three types of filters, numerical, text, and date filters. For the customers page the only text filter is Regular customer, whilst Last visit, and Next upcoming booking are the only filters that use date. When applying a filter you must first choose how to apply it for example: If I want to see what customers have visited the salon more than 5 times I would select the Total visits filter and choose Larger than, type in 5 as the value, and lastly select the Apply button at the bottom, as pictured below. This will filter out any customer with less than 6 visits from the table.

Note! You can use a filter without showing the column, which can be useful if you want to limit the information shown, but still want to apply specific filters.

Text filters

No filter - Default value, does not affect the report

Equal to - Must be the following. Note! Is case sensitive ex. If the User who the customer you want to filter for is a regular customer of MBA, then it must be written exactly as such. Writing mba will not give you any results.

Not equal to - Can be used to exclude from the report

Includes - This must be included in the text.

Numerical filters

Smaller than - The value must be less than this

Smaller or equal to - The value must be less or equal to this

Equal to - The value must be this

Larger than - The value must be more than this

Larger or equal to - The value must be exactly this or more

Not equal to - Can be used to exclude products. ex. set this to 0 for visits if you want to exclude customers that have no bookings

Date filters

Before - Will show results for before this date

Equal to - Will show results for exactly this date

After - Will show results for after this date

Not equal to - Will show results that don’t include this date

Example filters

Here are a number of useful filters that you may want to use:

Your most frequent customers

  • Add total visits to visible column

  • Sort by total visits (select total visits)

The customer who spent the most

  • Add sales to visible column (or sales in 2021 / 2022)

  • Sort by sales

New customers from the last month

  • Select filters

  • Set Total visits as Equal to, and set 1 as the value (this means only customers that have visited your salons once will be shown

  • Set Last as After, and select the date from which forwards you want to see new customers from (Note! It will be from that day to today)

Downloading the customer register

You can download the customer register from the top right corner of the Customers page, by selecting the CSV file icon (the file can be opened by most spreadsheet programs, ex. Excel).

In the dowloaded file the default columns will always be visibe (name, e-mail, phone number, address, postal code, city, info, SMS and Marketing permissions, Regular, creation date, and ID).

If filters have been used, then you can download the CSV file with only filtered customer information.

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