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Customer register

This article is about the customer register, and its different functions.

Mikael avatar
Written by Mikael
Updated over a year ago

The customer register

You can find the customer register under the Customers page. Here is where you will find all your customers and information about them.

The Customers page, lists all your customers, and information about them. You can also access a list of the emails of your customers here, under the Export button, by selecting View all customer emails or View customer emails with email marketing permission. These you can copy and paste to another program if you wish, or download directly as a csv file.

Uploading your customer register

You can use the import button in the top right corner to upload your register. Once the register has been uploaded our Customer Happiness team will process the register (removing duplicates, etc.) and add it to your account.

Note! The register must be in a spreadsheet compatible format (generally .csv, or .xls).

Downloading your customer register

You can download your register via the export button. The file will be in .csv format and include name, email, phone, address, postal code, marketing permissions, date of creation, and ID. Note that downloading the register is only available to higher user levels. Furthermore you can also download

Adding a new customer

Adding a customer can be done with the Add new customer button, which opens up a new window where you can write the information of the customer. Note that only Name, Phone, and/or Email, are required fields to create a new customer.

Adding any of the aforementioned in a booking will also create a new customer, if this customer does not already exist in the customer register.

The last way for a new customer to show up in the customer register is if a new customer books a time through your online booking. New customers via online booking will have their Name, email, and Phone number by default.

Customer Statistics

You can sort and filter your customer register based on a number of values, such as Sales, number of bookings, next booking, etc. You can download this filtered list via the export button by selecting Download filtered selection. For a more in depth look into statistics see the Customer statistics article here.

Customer information

The customer card is where you find all the information about a customer collected. This page can is divided into customer information and booking history. You can access this page either through a booking using the information button, through the Customers page, by looking up a customer and selecting them, or pressing the view button.

Customer information is where you can view customer details, settings, summary of visits and booking history. The page is divided into information about the customer, and booking history.

For a customer to be added to the customer register they must have at least a phone number, or email address. When a customer books through online booking they will always add a phone number and email address as part of the process.

If you wish to add the requirement for asking address please contact our Customer Happiness team and we can help you with that.

Customer information in details

Customer information includes all the information about the customer not directly related to any specific booking. For example address, general notes, city, etc.

Information that has not been added will not show, so for example if address has not been added to the customer, then it will not show in the information card.

Sales shows the total amount of purchases made by the customer.

Visits is the number of bookings for the customer.

Cancellations is the number of times a customer has cancelled a booking (if you have online cancellations on).

No-show counts the times when you have marked in a booking that the customer Didn't show up.

General Notes will always be shown in the calendar when you open the booking for that customer, so if there is something you wish to always be able to see for that customer you can write it there.

Regular customer allows you to mark a customer as a regular of a particular User. This will be indicated by the heart icon in the calendar when the booking is on that User, as well as listed in the booking window.

Discount percent will apply an automatic discount percentage on all products and services, when the customer is taken to checkout.

Email & SMS marketing allowed will allow you to filter on the Marketing page if you wish to only send messages to customers that have allowed either, or both of the aforementioned.

More actions

Compose SMS allows you to send a direct text message to the customer.

Merging two customers

Merge with another customer allow you to get rid of duplicates. A duplicate is when you have one customer multiple times in your customer register. This can happen for a number of reasons, but the easiest solution is to merge the customers. When merging a customer the open the customer card which has the contact info you wish to keep, as the other cards customer information will be deleted.

Hand over data allows you to print or email all the information the salon has regarding the customer. Note that this also includes additional information you have written regarding the customer, so it is recommended that you don’t write anything inappropriate here.

Print upcoming bookings allows you to print the information of upcoming bookings (if there are any) for the customer.


You will find the booking history of a customer on the right side of the customer information page, this collects all previous, and upcoming bookings of a customer, as well as information about these bookings (if there are any).

You can also resend booking confirmations for upcoming bookings here.

What will be displayed for an individual booking

A single booking will show the following information:

  • When the booked time is.

  • Where the booking was made (By phone/ manually means the booking was done in the salon, From online booking, or From Marketplace.)

  • The User, or Users the booking is on.

  • The sum paid, and possible additional services and products if the booking has been paid.

  • Additional information regarding the booking.

In the bookings column itself there are a number of actions you can do:

  • Re-send the booking information with Send confirmation email.

  • Send an SMS to the customer with Compose SMS.

  • View the booking if it hasn't been paid yet.

  • Open the receipt by clicking on view receipt.

Removing a customer

Request removal can be used to remove all data regarding the customer. Note that due to the removal of all data it will take take a minimum of 7 days, though may take longer depending on possible upcoming bookings. If you accidentally mark a customer for removal, then you can use the "Cancel customer removal" button.

We recommend you merge instead of remove if the it is a duplicate customer, since that way the booking info will be saved, whereas remove will completely delete it.


If you can’t find a booking in the booking history, it’s likely that there is a duplicate of the customer. Find the duplicate by name, number, email, or by finding a booking in the calendar and going to the customer card from there. You can then merge these using the merge button in the top right hand corner.

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