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Sending and creating SMS confirmations

In this article we will show you how to send SMS booking confirmations and create templates.

Written by Milja
Updated over 3 years ago

You can now send SMS booking confirmations to the customers and Timma Pro Users in addition to the automatic email confirmation. The SMS confirmation is send right after a new booking has been made. You can design and create your own template or use a ready template to make sure not a single reservation is forgotten!

SMS confirmations are billed per SMS and cost 0.08€ per sent message. This way you'll only pay for the messages you actually send.

How to send a booking confirmation for customers

You can send an SMS booking confirmation to your customers in addition to the automatic email confirmation. The confirmation will be send when the customer makes an online booking through the marketplace or salon's own online booking, or you reserve a time for them in your calendar.

Go to Profile > Information > Additional settings > Booking confirmation SMS for customers

How to send a booking confirmation for a Timma Pro User

It's now possible to send SMS confirmations to Timma Pro Users when they receive a new booking through the Marketplace or salon's own online booking.

Go to Profile > Information > Notification settings,

Select the box in the SMS column for New booking and Save changes.

Create your own SMS confirmation template

To get started, make sure you are logged in as an Administrator in Timma Pro.

On the SMS settings page you can easily edit and create booking confirmation templates, see the number of Timma Pro Users using SMS confirmations and to choose the SMS invoice payer. The template is the same for all Users working in the same salon.

Create and edit SMS confirmation

Go to Company > SMS settings > Edit template

Write a greeting text visible before the booking info. Select the booking information and write closing words of your preference.

Check the preview to see how the ready SMS looks like and how many characters you've used.

One message includes 160 characters, without emoji's. It's possible to create and send messages over 160 characters including emoji's, but each message including more than 160 characters will be charged as a separate SMS message.

Note! If you add an emoji (like 💜 ) to the message, the character limit is 70 instead of 160 characters because of emoji encoding!

Booking information terms in a nutshell 🥜

Start time - Start time of the appointment (Eg. 14.00). This is mutually exclusive with Start and end time, so you can only choose one of these.

Start and end time - Shows the start and end time of the appointment (Eg. 14.00-15.00)

Date - Date of the appointment (Eg. 27. October 2021)

Services - Service or services booked (Eg. Haircut, Manicure)

Additional Services - Shows additional services booked (Eg. Scalp massage)

Price - Price of the services booked (Eg. 100 €)

Company name - Name of the salon

Address - Salon address

Salon phone - Telephone number of the salon

Professional name - Name of the professional taking care of the appointment

Professional phone - Number of the Timma Pro User booking was made to

Cancellation link - The link to the online cancellation of the appointment

Sending an SMS to a customer when a booking is moved or removed

When moving or removing a booking you can now also notify your customer via SMS. After you move or remove a booking simply select “Send SMS” in the pop up.

You also have the option to decide what these messages will look like by changing their template under Company > SMS settings (See section 2 “Creating your own SMS confirmation” for how to do this).

Note! The first time you send a SMS of this type you will have to activate the function and set who will be invoiced. This can be done via the link in the pop up, or Company > SMS settings > Booking moved SMS to customers > Settings and Company > SMS settings > Booking removed SMS to customers > Settings

Invoicing of SMS confirmations

By default the payer of the SMS invoices is the salon. You can change the payer of the SMS invoices and deactivate SMS confirmations for individual Users by changing the SMS Settings.

Go to Company > SMS settings > Settings

The Timma Pro Admin can deactivate or active the SMS confirmations for individual Users. The admin can also change the SMS confirmation invoice payer. By default the invoice payer is salon but the admin can choose the payer to be an individual user as well.

Great! Now you're customers will never miss their appointment again! ✨

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