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Integrating Tripletex account to Timma
Integrating Tripletex account to Timma

Here are instructions on how to automate your accounting and send sales information directly from Timma to Tripletex

Mikael avatar
Written by Mikael
Updated over 2 years ago

Tripletex is one of biggest Norwegian accounting system and it can be integrated to Timma quite easily. With the integration Timma will send once a day your sales data to Tripletex therefore there won't be need for accountants to manually insert sales numbers from the reports.

1. Setting up the Tripletex account integration

In Timma Pro you can find Tripletex tab under Revenues page. On a top of the page there is a cash register selector. By default the cash register that the login user is using is selected.

If you haven't yet integrated your Tripletex account to Timma the first thing is to add your Tripletex Employee token (picture below) and connect the account.

Employee token can be created in the Tripletex admin panel. First your Tripletex account administrator needs to activate activate API 2.0 access under Company page and My subscription tab. When API 2.0 is activated the user administrator will now see the tab "API access" on all contacts / employees.

API access tab can be found in Tripletex in My profile page under More section. You can check the route from the pictures below.

In the API Employee token page click New token. This will open up the pop-up window (picture below) where you need to select Adapted setup and All entitlements. Give the application name and token name. For application name write Timma and for token name you can add for example TimmaTripletex. After this click Create token.

Tripletex will then show you your Employee token (picture below). You must copy the token from this view since you are not able to find token afterwords. Token looks like this: xxJ0b2tlbklkIjoyMzU4LCJ0b2tlbiI6InRlc3QtOWJhNWRkNzctMWZjMS00OTZmLTg0YzMtZmFjN2U5MTFjYWI5Ix0=.

Now when you have an Employee token from Tripletex you can connect your account.

If the connection was successful you will see the settings view in Timma and next you need to select the accounts where Timma is going to send the vouchers. Select a target table for all of the rows in this view and save the settings.

There is one more setting to check in the Tripletex side before we can start to send vouchers from Timma. Go to API access tab in My profile page under More section and select a token that you have just created. Then scroll down to Voucher section and activate Advanced voucher if that wasn't activated yet.

2. Sending the vouchers to Tripletex

Once you have set the accounting tables to match with the data that Timma is sending to Tripletex you can start to send the vouchers to Tripletex. There is a selection "Send voucher to Tripletex automatically every night" above the account settings. By selecting this option Timma will send automatically information about the daily sales to Tripletex during the night. If you haven't selected this option the vouchers can be send to manually from the history tab. OBS! The manually send vouchers will go to non-posted list in Tripletex.

You will see the voucher that have been sent from Timma to your Tripletex account. If you go to your Tripletex admin panel you can go to Vouchers page and Vouchers overview tab. The vouchers are listed there (picture below) and you can recognise the vouchers that are send from Timma with name Timma daglige salg.

If you face any problems don't hesitate to contact us!

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