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Klarna payments

Instructions how to add Klarna accounts to Timma cash register and how to take payments via Klarna

Mikael avatar
Written by Mikael
Updated over a year ago

Using Klarna with Timma requires that you have an existing Klarna Checkout account. This article explains how to create the Klarna account and how to add it to Timma cash register.

Creating Klarna Checkout account

If you don't have one, you can make it simply by navigating to Klarna page here and select your market. Then click the "Get started" button.

First you need to fill in the details. If you do not have a webpage you can use your online booking link to Timma. (Company > Information)

From the opening pop-up window select that you estimate your company's annual turnover in the online store to be less than 10 000 000 €. If you choose over 10 000 000€ they will contact you from Klarna's behalf.

After this you need to choose what services you are providing. Choose "I offer a different type of product/service".

In the next section there different options for platforms. Select the option "Other integration solutions".

Start typing there "own built integration" and select that one.

From the products list you need to select Klarna Checkout as the solution. Then create the account and finish the process filling in the needed details about you and your company.

You will receive an email once Klarna has confirmed your account. Klarna's customer service in the will help you with the onboarding if needed. Remember to check the pricing of Klarna in their website, it may be different in your country.

Adding Klarna account to Timma cash register

Once you have the Klarna account you can add it to Timma.

Go to Company > Klarna.

Each company (Business ID) can have their own Klarna account added to the system.

Select "Connect" button from the row that is your company. This will open a pop-up window that asks to fill in Klarna API username and password. You can find this information from your Klarna Merchant Portal. Go to the settings and generate your Klarna API Credentials.

Klarna will be automatically added to your payment methods. In the payment view below you can find Klarna under the three dots and by selecting Klarna from payment method section. You can only take Klarna payments if your Klarna account is connected to Timma.

Klarna payments work with text messages. If you have a client with a phone number Timma will automatically send the payment message to a client phone once you click the "Confirm payment" button. In case client didn't have a phone number added in the system (or it was incorrect) you can add it in this point.

Once the client has received and confirmed the payment Timma will automatically create a receipt for you. If the client has an existing account in Klarna they will only need a confirmation from the client but if not the Klarna will ask few basic information before accepting the payment. Note! The payment is not completed unless Timma shows the receipt.

If you want to market Klarna payment method to your clients you can copy Klarna logo and other materials directly from Klarna's webpage.

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